alpaca for sale 4/20/23 (Through the fence at dusk)

alpaca for sale Raku - Front - Gorgeous head!

alpaca for sale Topline October 2023

alpaca for sale Shorn fleece 4/29/2020

alpaca for sale 1st 2022 PAOBA & 1st 2022 MABA (Handler Kevin didn't look happy, but we were! : )

alpaca for sale First offspring, a beautiful female, Mercer, at 4.5 months. (Beige dam)

alpaca for sale Raku - Right Side - Bright, Mostly Solid Blanket

alpaca for sale Raku - Left Side

alpaca for sale Raku - Rear View

alpaca for sale Dam & Futurity Grey Champion, Morning SKY's Paulina

alpaca for sale Dam, Paulina, the country's first grey JC banner in halter!

alpaca for sale Sire & Judges' Choice, Man of Steel

alpaca for sale Grandsire, Quixotic

alpaca for sale Granddam, Morning SKY's Royale Ainee

alpaca for sale Raku as a Juvenile

alpaca for sale Handsome - as a juvie, and still today

alpaca for sale Beautiful bundling!

alpaca for sale Raku - Day One - That fleece!

alpaca for sale Meeting half sister, Possum

alpaca for sale Raku as a Cria - Shorn

alpaca for sale Raku - Right Side

Man of Steel Son & Son of 2 JC Champs!

Morning SKY's Paulina's Raku

ARI# 35567523   D.O.B. 9/19/2019 (5 yrs)

Huacaya, Herdsire (Male), Proven | Medium Silver Grey

7/8 Peruvian
Sire: MAN of STEEL | ARI# 32257724  | Medium Silver Grey 
Dam: Morning SKY's Paulina | ARI# 32014013  | Medium Silver Grey 

Stud Fee:

$1,250 Drive-by: $1000
Inquire about this animal >

I've never tried the process of raku, but admire the unexpected possibilities and beauty of the resulting markings and colors.

This was one of those breeding outcomes where you rather hoped for a boy - with the same possibilities and beauty of desired color and markings, and we got one - a very nice one in the color for which we'd also hoped - grey! And, the gorgeous fleece and conformation qualities of both sire and dam have combined beautifully.

Morning SKY's Paulina's Raku is the offspring of two of only nine greys in the country to win a Judges' Choice banner in halter competition. Both parents are Futurity Color Champions, too!

Raku's first offspring, Morning SKY's Raku's Mercer, is a strong, healthy brown female with bright, crimpy fleece. 2024 Buckeye Judge Amanda VandenBosch loved Mercer's fleece, praising her soft handle and uniformity from shoulder to rump and down to her extremities.

Raku's dam, Morning SKY's Paulina is the first grey in the US (in 2012) to be awarded a Judges' Choice banner in halter competition, and the only grey female in the US for ten years running. She also received a Judge's Choice banner for Best Hand at the large MAPACA fleece show. Paulina began her show career at 6 months of age with Color Champion banners that continued through her second year of showing. Among many other awards, her dam, Morning SKY's Royale Ainee (also grey), took a first place at the World Fleece Conference in 2009.

Raku's sire, Quixotic's Man of Steel, is the third grey to win a Judge's Choice banner in halter and also had a stellar show career over multiple years. His grandsire, Quixotic, won numerous awards over his career as evidenced by his photo.

At the 2020 Buckeye Fall Fest, Raku placed second in a yearling class. (Covid prevented him from showing as a juvenile.) Judge Laurel Shouvlin commented that Raku was well grown for his age, very well put together, demonstrated good proportion and had a fine, very soft handling fleece with a good degree of brightness.

Judge Amanda VandenBosch also spoke of his softness of hand at the 2020 Buckeye Alpaca Show.

As a 2 year old at the 2022 MABA Alpaca Celebration, judge Robin Nasemann complimented his very fluid conformation and uniform staple from skin to tip as he awarded Raku a first place blue ribbon. Raku also earned a first place ribbon under judge Diana Timmerman at the 2022 PAOBA Breeder's Showcase, at the 2022 MA & PA Alpaca Pronk.

Contact us at [email protected] to book a breeding to your beautiful female!


1st Place - 2022 PAOBA Breeders Showcase - Diana Timmerman
1st Place - 2022 MABA Alpaca Celebration - Robin Nasemann
2nd Place - 2020 Buckeye Alpaca Fall Fest - Laurel Shouvlin
4th Place - 2020 Buckeye Alpaca Show - Amanda Vandenbosch

Updated 8/21/2024